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Design Maturity Survey

Learn how to maximize the business impact of design

What is your organization's design operations maturity level?

DesignOps (Design Operations) is about orchestrating and optimizing people, processes, and craft, in order to amplify design’s value and impact at scale — while positively influencing the working lives of designers. Companies who best utilize design grow their revenues and shareholder returns at nearly twice the rate of their industry counterparts. 

With "design" we mean design widely: UX/UI design, service design, industrial design, business design, brand design, and also design research and design management. This survey was built for any organization who has employees working in these fields.

Our DesignOps maturity model is based on our insights and experiences from building and leading design operations over the last 20 years,  from startups to scaleups to Fortune-100 companies. We have helped several companies to elevate their design operations to the next level, and in 2022 we partnered with DesignOps Assembly with the annual The State of DesignOps 2022 report. After applying some of the existing design maturity models in different organizational setups we felt that those do not necessarily cover all relevant dimensions (Design Strategy, Team, Stakeholders and Impact) so we built this Alpha Design Partners design maturity framework.

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You’ll receive your organization’s design maturity assessment via email after completing the survey. We’ll not share your email with others. You will then receive our informative design topics occasionally and you can freely unsubscribe whenever you want.


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  • If you work in a large organization, you can also answer the questions for your department or your team.
  • Feel free to ask your team members to fill in the form as well, and then discuss the results in the team for maximum benefit.
  • Some of these questions are geared towards in-house product design teams. You may need to somewhat adjust your responses if you work in a design firm.
→ After answering, you'll see your organization's DesignOps maturity level, and get actionable recommendations on how to improve.

The survey will take less than 10 minutes.

Let's begin!

Is it clear to designers what is expected from them? Does the company strategy and brand drive or influence the design work? Do you know who your customers and users are and what you promise them? What is your product strategy, your business models, and marketing channels? Are these reflected in the design vision or design goals?

As organization, think about the part of the company your team belongs to. Select one answer that best reflects the situation.
Note! Select ALL options that apply.

How do you establish efficient workflows and set appropriate roles in the design team? How do you do design? How do you enable motivational career paths? What are your design rituals? How do you engage users in the design work?

Note! Select ALL options that apply.
Select one that best reflects your situation
Select one that best reflects your situation
Select one that best reflects your situation

How do designers collaborate with stakeholders, including product owners, engineers, developers, agile coaches, marketeers, sales teams, customer support, the CEO, strategy teams, brand, marketing, copywriters, media, or even design agencies? Last but not least, how do you engage with customers and users?

Note! Select ALL options that apply. If you feel you don't have good collaboration, leave the checkbox empty.

Our designers or design managers collaborate with...

Is your design work of good quality? What is the impact of design work on the individual product level and on the company level? Are you using design thinking and design tools to develop also the company, not only the products and services? Are you using design to help build a better planet?

Select one that best reflects your situation
Note! Select ALL options that apply.
Note! Select ALL options that apply, or NONE.
We will assess all answers anonymously.
Your points are:
Thank you! Your submission has been received and the results are in!
Design maturity level 1
Based on your responses the level of Design Maturity in your organization is:

No worries, one has to start somewhere!

Seems your organization hasn’t yet discovered the potential that more systematic approach to design and more customer-centric methods can bring.

Level 1 organizations often apply design as an afterthought, e.g. when a software project is almost completed and the user interface needs to be added on top of the already existing features and functionality. These organizations may not have realized the value of customer insights or they lack the means to gather these to benefit the new product development process.

Where to focus on improving DesignOps? We’d recommend e.g. hiring in-house product or UX designers, and kicking off user research or usability testing to gather customer insights. Earlier collaboration between design, engineering, and product will also help to create a positive impact.

To help you get going, we can consolidate DesignOps survey statistics across your organization, so you’d get a broader perspective into the improvement opportunities in your company. Contact us for details.

Hi! Need support with DesignOps, how to measure design impact or convince the decision makers, set up design roles and collaboration workflows, how to organize the team or something else? We’re happy to help, let’s talk!

Book a meeting in my calendar or drop us an email. It doesn’t obligate you to anything else.

Best, Harri Kiljander

Book 30min meeting with Harri
Design maturity level 2
Based on your responses the level of Design Maturity in your organization is:

There’s interest and signs of being more customer-centric.

Good! There’s elements in your organization indicating that design is more than last-minute pretty pictures production. Your design maturity is still occasional, hazardous, and not that structured. No worries, there are ways improve, and also ways to measure the impact.

Level 2 organizations typically start to be more customer centric, there’s some user research or usability testing taking place. There is increased collaboration between designers, engineers, and product owners in product development, and some tools start to be in place to make this more efficient and effective.

Where to focus on improving DesignOps? We’d recommend paying attention to the clarity of roles and responsibilities and collaboration between designers, and with engineering, product managers, and other stakeholders. Routines and ceremonies like design reviews and daily standups introduce coherence and foster learning across the organization. A design system or shared design library will help the design organization share and reuse design patterns for quality and efficiency. When your design team is growing, it makes sense to have clearly defined designer jobs and role, and design leadership.

To help you get going, we can consolidate DesignOps survey statistics across your organization, so you’d get a broader perspective into the improvement opportunities in your company. Contact us for details.

Hi! Need support with DesignOps, how to measure design impact or convince the decision makers, set up design roles and collaboration workflows, how to organize the team or something else? We’re happy to help, let’s talk!

Book a meeting in my calendar or drop us an email. It doesn’t obligate you to anything else.

Best, Harri Kiljander

Book 30min meeting with Harri
Design maturity level 3
Based on your responses the level of Design Maturity in your organization is:

You’ve done well in establishing design practices, however they could be more structured.

Your organization has dedicated design roles and you have defined responsibilities between design and other teams. You follow design routines and ceremonies for efficiency and learning. You are using a shared design library or design system for scalability, design quality, and engineering collaboration. This is great!

Where to focus on improving DesignOps for a greater impact? The better an organization aligns its design objectives with the company strategy, the bigger the impact of design. Alignment is a two-way street, it also allows design stakeholders to have better visibility into the design backlog. Service design thinking and tools may help align and commit everyone towards the same goal.

Using discovery and data to back design decisions allows you to iterate faster towards high-quality design. You can integrate discovery into the design workflows, use A/B testing and other UX research methods for more informed design decisions. For clarity and motivation for designers, you should have designer career paths defined. But how clear is the design vision across your organization? 

To help you get going, we can consolidate DesignOps survey statistics across your organization, so you’d get a broader perspective into the improvement opportunities in your company. Contact us for details.

Hi! Need support with DesignOps, how to measure design impact or convince the decision makers, set up design roles and collaboration workflows, how to organize the team or something else? We’re happy to help, let’s talk!

Book a meeting in my calendar or drop us an email. It doesn’t obligate you to anything else.

Best, Harri Kiljander

Book 30min meeting with Harri
Design maturity level 4
Based on your responses the level of Design Maturity in your organization is:

Congratulations, your organization’s design maturity is pretty advanced!

You’ve established efficient design processes, integrated design with business objectives, have continuous discovery, however, are there still some elements you could do better?

We’ve seen organizations on level 4 treat design as a key enabler to the company strategy. Design is appreciated in the company on an equal level to product and engineering, and integrated in the new product and service creation processes. Design has a vision, a leader, and a voice. Discovery and data are being used to back design decisions and designers are aware of the career and growth opportunities for them.

Where to focus on improving DesignOps for greater impact? Design can benefit companies on the highest level through contributing to the company strategy with cross-organizational innovation and foresight activities. You can also improve the cross-organizational workflows through service design thinking, where internal roadblocks and bottlenecks are identifed and streamlined, and employee satisfaction goes up accordingly. In the most forward-looking product and service organizations design often reports to the CEO or has a strong C-level sponsor.

Companies who best utilize design grow their revenues and shareholder returns at nearly twice the rate of their industry counterparts. To help you towards this goal, we can consolidate DesignOps survey statistics across your organization, so you’d get a broader perspective into the improvement opportunities in your company. Contact us for details.

Hi! Need support with DesignOps, how to measure design impact or convince the decision makers, set up design roles and collaboration workflows, how to organize the team or something else? We’re happy to help, let’s talk!

Book a meeting in my calendar or drop us an email. It doesn’t obligate you to anything else.

Best, Harri Kiljander

Book 30min meeting with Harri
Design maturity level 5
Based on your responses the level of Design Maturity in your organization is:

Awesomeness! Hats off. :)

Your organization’s design maturity shows design is tightly integrated in how the company works, from the tactical level to strategic. Keep up the good work!

Your design operations practices show that design is well integrated across the company functions for maximum return on investment, and your designers have options and motivational opportunities for their growth paths. You’re well established even on how design discovery influences the strategy of the company. 

Where to focus on improving DesignOps? As nothing is ever perfect, you could still start to think if there are areas that have been overlooked. How is the onboarding of new designers, or the internal innovation funnel of the company? How could you foster an even more inclusive and impactful design culture? When was the last time you arranged an open designer meet-up?

If you like, we can consolidate DesignOps survey statistics across your organization, so you’d get a broader perspective into the potential improvement opportunities in your company. Contact us for details.

Hi! Need support with DesignOps, how to measure design impact or convince the decision makers, set up design roles and collaboration workflows, how to organize the team or something else? We’re happy to help, let’s talk!

Book a meeting in my calendar or drop us an email. It doesn’t obligate you to anything else.

Best, Harri Kiljander

Book 30min meeting with Harri
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